Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Percy Shelley s Frankenstein, Thomas Love...

Percy Shelley an ancient poet of the 16th century. He falls under the category of one of the major English poets who are romantic. The recognition of his works developed radically after his death. He was a also a key member who belonged to the closest circle of poets who were very visionary. Such poets included, Leigh hunt, his second wife Mary Shelley who wrote the book Frankenstein, Thomas love peacock and lord Byron. This document therefore seeks to talk about the various works of Percy Shelley and how most of it has been used. Percy Shelley was associated with romantic writings. An example of such is a book he wrote which was known as The Rosicrucian. This a horror novel although romantic. It involves a main character Wolfstein who†¦show more content†¦A neurotic poet is one who tries to explore wider forms of creativity. this kind AuthorLastName3 of poetry could take different forms which include, short stories and relatively, structurally composed short paragraphs brought together to make what is known by the world as a poem. Percy who was sent to boarding school at the age of ten. The odd boy who was usually very quiet was often being taunted by schoolmates in a relentless manner exposing out certain aspects about him. For instance anger that had once even driven him to stab another student of the school with a fork. In school he was always a dreamer who was very visionary most of the time even forgetting small things such as tying a shoelace or even having to wear a hat. Thus such kind of habit attracted Shelley to posses a nickname. Most of the students therefore could now refer to him as Mad Shelley. He is an idol of close to three or four generations after his death. Most poets looked up to his works. In this list, it would involve Pre-Raphaelite poets who are very well known and also Victorian poets. Some of the poets include Oscar wilde and Thomas Hardy. In Oscar wilde for instance, his enthusiasm led to the writing of the novel The picture of the Dorian Gray. Just like the way Percy used to write, the style used in writing this novel is slightly the same to the way Oscar wilde did it. He talks about Dorian’s beauty and how he expresses his belief that the beauty of Dorian is responsible

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